Q Source Inc. has been known around the Pharmaceutical/Bio-Medical Industries for over 25 years. We have worked with some of the biggest names in modern history and continue to provide them all the product they may need for their next big advancement.

Q Source has grown relationships with these companies over the years but providing them a solution to any of their needs. Whether it’s a tool like a wire cutter to magnification solutions Q Source has always had the products needed to get the job done. Working with such manufacturers as Lindstrom, Vision Engineering, Production Basics, IAC, Transforming Technologies, Bevco Seating, SCS and much more Q Source Inc. has the products for any application. Categories such as clean Room, ESD static control and personal grounding, lighting and magnification, workbenches and furniture and much more can provide any products for any application. Below are just some of the categories that Q Source Inc has to offer and if you have a specific need please fill out the request form below for us to review and a representative will reach out to you.

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Categories recommendations for the Pharmaceutical/Bio-Medical Industries

Tell us about your application

Let us know what your application is and we will help you find the solution. With products from many different manufacturers and a wide variety of products we are positive that we will be able to help you complete the project on time and with the right products. Fill our the form below and provide us with some information and a representative will be in contact shortly.